The Summary care record is an electronic summary of basic information such as allergies and regular medicines so that in an emergency, doctors and nurses who have secure access can make the best care decisions for patients.
Your information will be extracted from practices such as ours and held on a central NHS databases.
With the new system, people who are treating you will be able to access those parts of your record that they are allowed to see whenever they need it to provide you with care.
A record of everyone who looks at your summary care record is kept. Notification will be sent to a nominated member of staff if your record is accessed in an unexpected setting, for example if a clinician who doesn’t usually treat you accesses your information. If it is found that access was unreasonable, we will let you know.
What do I need to do?
If you are happy to have a summary care record, you do not need to do anything. If you would like to opt out please complete the form below and return it to Salters Reception.